Halogen Floor Lamps
- Never place materials such as clothing and towels
on top of a halogen torchiere lamp (a torchiere
has an exposed lightbulb on top of the fixture,
directing the light to the ceiling). Although
halogen bulbs use less energy than incandescent
bulbs, they burn much hotter.
- Never place a halogen torchiere near an open window
where a strong breeze could blow curtains onto the
lamp bulb.
- Never use halogen torchiere lamps in children's bedrooms
or playrooms.
- Don't use a bulb higher than 300 watts in you halogen
torchiere lamp.
- Avoid leaving high-wattage (more than 100 watts) halogen
lamps on when you leave the room or when you are
not at home.
- Never touch a halogen bulb with bare fingers. Even a
bulb that has been turned off for several hours can
burn you, and your skin oils will damage the bulb.