
Membership Application Form Word or Adobe Format

Stuarts Draft Volunteer Fire Co.

Membership Opportunities
Junior Membership
– 16 and 17 year olds are eligible for this type of membership. Junior members can answer calls, take training classes and participate in company activities with a few restrictions due to age and labor laws.
Senior Membership - Senior members answer fire and rescue calls, drive apparatus and lead company activities.
Support Membership – Support members help with administrative duties, projects around the station, fund raising, maintenance, public education and other non-emergency related tasks.
Become a volunteer today and join our team!
Call (540)337-1122
Leave your name and phone number or click on application form above, fill out, and mail to us today
For more information on membership come by the station any Monday evening

Volunteer Firemen are a breed unto themselves.

Whoever heard of a man who is willing to be on twenty-four hour duty without pay for the dubious privilege of protecting his neighbor's property?

Whoever heard of a man who will dash from his desk and ride a "fire wagon" to the scene of an alarm ruining his suit, neglecting his business, risking his life and exhausting himself physically, not for money but because he believes in serving his community?

Whoever heard of a man who will give up his favorite TV show, postpone some reading or "do-it-yourself" house chores he's been planning (plus sacrificing evenings with his wife and children) just to attend a meeting where he learns how to function as a volunteer servant in behalf of his fellowmen?

Whoever heard (in this day and age) of a man who is crazy enough to be worrying about the other fellow?

Well, if you don't know the answer to those questions, look around our firehouse. You'll see people who aren't out protesting and demonstrating and complaining because they're too busy living up to the image of a good American.

You'll see people whose forefathers were made of the same stuff and that's why we have inherited this wonderful land; also, people just like yourself who care what happens to their neighbors, their community and their country.